First Liquid Micropiston Technology Patent Issued to Wave 80

Home / News / First Liquid Micropiston Technology Patent Issued to Wave 80

San Francisco, California, June 12, 2018—A major new patent covering Wave 80 technology has been issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patent’s claims encompass core components of Wave 80’s liquid micropiston technology, the technology at the heart of Wave 80’s revolutionary EOSCAPE platform, developed under contract with the U.S. National Institutes of Health as a powerful new tool for understanding key aspects of HIV/AIDS pathogenesis and for improving HIV/AIDS patient outcomes in high-disease-burden settings.

The patent, U.S. 9,995,412, includes strong claims around both the unique microscale slat array structure that confers the high-force capability needed for many applications and that distinguishes liquid micropistons from other actuator architectures, as well as the electrical controllers for using liquid micropistons to be used for complex assay processes such as droplet-based titration for dynamic range extension.

Beyond the EOSCAPE platform, Liquid Micropiston technology has broad applications in sample preparation, digital molecular assays, liquid biopsy, bioprocessing, and other areas.

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