New Wave 80 Advances Highlighted on World Tuberculosis Day

Home / News / New Wave 80 Advances Highlighted on World Tuberculosis Day

On World Tuberculosis Day, Wave 80 announced the latest advances in its programs seeking to contribute to global efforts in a disease that persists as a major threat to human health around the world, with a daily global fatality rate estimated at nearly four thousand.

There is much room for optimism around preventing, diagnosing and treating tuberculosis, with the World Health Organization estimating that deaths from TB fell by over 20% between 2000 and 2015. At the same time, multi-drug resistant (MDR) and extreme drug resistant (XDR) strains tuberculosis are a growing threat, with some 480,000 new cases of MDR-TB reported in 2015.

Wave 80’s technological advances in extracting pathogenic material from complex samples like sputum can play a key role in both expanding understanding of TB and also in improving individual patient outcomes.

The company is seeking new sources of funding to accelerate work in this vital area.

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